Emily is undoubtedly the best Editor I have had the pleasure of working with. Her experience is worth its weight in gold. She is immeasurably talented when it comes to restructuring and reshaping content so it flows beautifully and reads as concise, clear and engaging. Her keen commercial eye brings a unique perspective to any project, ensuring that the material is not only refined and polished but also strategically positioned in the market. Authors and colleagues have always appreciated Emily’s enthusiasm, excellent project management skills and her creative vision. Anyone who has worked with Emily knows she is a rare talent and I would highly recommend her for any editorial work in both print and digital publishing.
Sophiya Ali | Comissioning Editor, SAGE
Emily is highly efficient, well organised and reliable, and she handles projects with both creativity and initiative [...] Her written and verbal communication skills are excellent, and her astute editorial observations enhance every book she works on. Emily is able to get the very best out of authors (even the most anxious first-time ones!)
Sonya Barker | Freelance Editor (formerly Macmillan Education)
Emily impressed from the outset for her unrivalled efficiency. She has capably managed competing priorities and is always ready to take the initiative and offer suggestions.
Rachel Bridgewater | Senior Commissioning Editor, Edinburgh University Press